Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We have still been able to do a little bit for Halloween even with school! Addy helped make her first pumpkin this year! It was so funny, we would tell her to reach in and take the "stuff" out and she would start to reach in and fill it and quickly pull her hand out. Before we could start carving the pumpkin Addy did her own version of carving. It was scary but cute.
The pumpkin had lips all over it when it was done. Addy went to bed shortly after helping clean it.

Addy is "Snow white" this year, the costume is so cute, it is like a tutu, and she loves to watch the tutu bounce as she walks. She also loves to wear it, lucky for her Mommy and Daddy! Trav and I have also been working with Addy trying to teach her to say "trick-or-treat" and today she ran into the kitchen after Trav and said "treat" and he was doing something else so she followed him around saying "dada" "daddy" "da" until he finally was able to help her and she said "treat"

Friday, October 8, 2010


Well life has been way crazy, Trav and I are both back in the full swing of school, Trav is loving school he says it is more like playing everyday! Me on the other hand, working my butt off, but doing good in my classes!
Addy is doing amazing she is now 17 months and so beautiful! She is talking up a storm, and is running and so silly!
Addy and I have taken on a new adventure in life! during the day we watch a little boy(I take night classes)!! Addy loves him so much, all day is full of hugs and kisses, very slobbery but still kisses! We both love the little man so much, and it is nice to be able to help out some wonderful friends!
The family also went down to North Carolina the end of July through the beging of August! We went so Addy and I could get to know Travs real parents and sister and to have some fun with them, we went to Busch Gardens, Addy learned the music so we would be walking in and she would get way excited! She also loved riding on the rides her size! this is a picture of Grandpa helping her on to one of the rides. We also went to the beach and had a blast! Addy was so cute playing in the water! It was a good fun vacation and we had fun with The Ward side of the family.
The end of August we celebrated our 2nd anniversary! Well kind of, we really couldn't due much due to the fact that school started the next day. But we did enjoy a wonderful dinner!

Thursday, October 7, 2010